How Much Money Do You Make on YouTube with 1,000 Subscribers

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How Much Money Do You Make on YouTube with 1,000 Subscribers

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When it comes to YouTube, all we can think of is ways to generate revenue, and many YouTubers relate to this statement. There is no doubt that millions of videos are posted every day on this platform, and millions are actively searching for video content. This platform has quite a lot of potential for both creators and users.

Earning a handsome amount requires creativity because what you say won’t be valuable until you share something they have never seen before. So, if a user spends an average of 19 minutes a day on YouTube, why not make it useful to reach monetization opportunities?

Let’s explore how much money you can make on YouTube and the factors influencing earnings with strategies. 

How Much Money You Can Earn With 1,000 Subscribers?

Well, YouTube clearly states that your account can become eligible for monetization if you gain 1000 YouTube subscribers and 4000 watch hours in the past 12 months. Another option is to gain 1000 subscribers with 10 million valid public short views in the last 90 days. You can easily apply for the YouTube Partner Program.

With 1000 subscribers, you can gain up to 50$-100$ per month. Creators who are eligible for the 1000 subscribers threshold can generate revenue from YouTube ads and YouTube Premium. However, there are several other ways to generate a good amount of income, which we will discuss later in this blog.

How Much Does YouTube Pay If You Have More Than 1,000 Subscribers?

YouTube monetization allows creators to earn income through ads, sponsorships, and other features for their content. Once your account gains more than 1,000 subscribers on YouTube, you can generate more revenue with several opportunities. As per Statista, in the first quarter of 2024, YouTube's global advertising revenues reached 8.1 billion dollars. Let's explore how much money you can make if you exceed 1,000 subscribers:

How Much Money Do You Make on YouTube With 10,000 Subscribers?

On average, YouTube creators can earn up to $500-$1500+ monthly by gaining 10,000 subscribers. Creators who produce high-quality content and engage more with their audiences tend to generate more revenue than others. It totally depends on the niche and type of content you produce. Sometimes a sudden hike in one video can make you go viral and help you generate more revenue than other videos.

How Much Do You Make on YouTube With 100,000 Subscribers?

YouTube channels that have gained 100,000 subscribers can generate an average of $5,000-$15,000+ as monthly income. As the subscriber count grows, YouTube creators have a better chance of earning a living as full-time creators. This increased potential encourages other creators to gain more subscribers and create more money with creative and fresh content. Remember, the average amount may vary depending on your niche and the type of content you are producing.

How Much Do YouTubers Make With 1,000,000 Subscribers?

YouTube has the most potential and opportunities for creators, brands, influencers, gamers, and many more. If your channel continues to gain this massive reach and audiences are actively collaborating and interacting with it, you can get 1 million subscribers within a few months. You can earn an average of $50,000 and $250,000 upon reaching 1,000,000 subscribers.

Having achieved this milestone is a big deal however, earnings don't solely depend on subscribers. It has several other factors, like engagement, content quality, niche, and the audience’s interest. Although numbers provide a framework for encouragement and achievement, it all depends on your audacity, creativity, and potential to stay active and create plenty more content.

How Much Money Can You Make on YouTube?

92% of advertisers agree that creator-produced content can be considered premium. YouTube pays around $0.01 to $0.03 per view. This means that an average creator can earn around $10 and $30.Keep in mind that this is only an estimate; the actual amount may vary. It can be higher or lower and may vary depending on several factors.

You can also calculate your YouTube earnings with different tools available on the market, for example, Influencer Marketing Hub’s calculator, Social Blade, and many more.

Factors That Influence YouTube Earnings

Attracting subscribers to your channel is indeed an achievement, that’s why YouTube has Creator Awards for subscribers milestones. YouTube is one of the largest video search engines that has no real competitors. What does it take for a YouTube channel to be monetized? Here are some factors that you might consider:

1. (RPM) Revenue Per Mile

It is a key factor in YouTube earnings, reflecting how much you make per 1,000 views. High RPM means more money is earned for each view. It enables you to understand the effectiveness of your overall monetization.

2. (CPC) Cost Per Click

This is a different advertising model where advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. It’s not directly related to CPM or RPM, but some YouTubers might use a mix of ad models (impressions and clicks) to generate revenue.

3. Audience Demographics

One of the most important factors is audience demographics, which include age, gender, and location, which can significantly impact your earnings. Channels attract the most number of subscribers from the USA, UK, or Canada, and tend to make more money.

4. Niche & Content Type

Niche selection is very important when it comes to curating highly impactful content. Advertisers prefer to work with niches that perfectly align with their brand values. You will have a greater chance of engaging your audience if you create high-quality content.

5. Viewer Retention & Watch Time

Maximum viewer engagement and watch time on YouTube indicate engaged viewers, which can lead to higher ad rates and potentially more revenue through YouTube’s algorithm. Longer videos can grab more opportunities to play ads, which can lead to more earnings.

6. Video Engagement

With more engagement, like impressions, views, clicks, comments, number of likes, shares, and subscribers, the audience can make a high contribution to the promotion of your content. Video cards at the end of videos also attract audiences, which may keep them hooked on your channel.

7. Ad Placement Strategy

An ad placement strategy can influence YouTube earnings. Placing mid-roll ads during natural pauses or after key points can encourage viewers to watch the entire ad, leading to potentially higher revenue.

8. YouTube Premium Subscribers

When viewers watch your content within YouTube Premium, a portion of their subscription fee contributes to your earnings based on watch time, rewarding creators for engaging content. Premium viewers contribute to earnings based on watch time, rewarding creators for engagement and uninterrupted viewing.

9. Choosing the Right Ads

Choosing the right ads can influence YouTube earnings. Ads relevant to your content and target audience are more likely to be clicked on, leading to potentially higher revenue per view (RPM). YouTube also offers various ad formats like in-stream, display, etc. and experimenting can help you find the best fit for your content and audience engagement.

3 Effective Strategies To Increase Your YouTube Earnings

YouTube can take 45% of ad revenue from YouTube videos and 55% from YouTube shorts. Besides Google ads and YouTube Premium, here are some effective strategies that may help you generate more revenue:

✅ Monetization Options Beyond Ads

Beyond Google Adsense, several other ways create huge opportunities for creators to earn on YouTube. For example, affiliate marketing, merchandise, sponsorships, channel membership, Patreon, and selling digital products like ebooks or online courses. These options allow creators to leverage their audience directly, potentially earning a higher share of the revenue compared to ad-based models. However, success depends on building a strong connection with your viewers, who highly trust your recommendations and opinions.

✅ Content Diversity

Posting regularly and creating high-quality content is paramount to being successful on YouTube. Your content should be diverse and appealing to your audiences. Try different methods like vlogging, tutorials, challenges, or sub-niches within their main theme. This strategy can keep the content fresh, cater to various preferences, and attract wider audiences. The consistent posting indicates and appeals to the YouTube algorithm, which promotes active channels.

✅ Collaboration With Other YouTubers

Collaborating with other YouTubers can be a win-win strategy for both channels. You can tap into each other’s audiences, reaching new viewers and potentially gaining subscribers. It involves joint video appearances, series, or project collaboration, challenges or competition, and most importantly, content promotion. This also sparks creative ideas for content, leading to engaging videos that resonate with both fanbases. This can boost YouTube views, engagement, and interaction to generate revenue for both parties.

Grow Your YouTube Earnings

If you look into the channel monetization policies of YouTube, they are not quite tough as far as following each guideline and remaining intact on the platform. Remember, it’s a great journey towards achievement and requires a lot more hard work. However, consistency is the key to strengthening your influence on YouTube. If you do not upload a video or post on the community tab within 6 months, your monetization can be turned off. So, keep creating and posting interesting content to keep your channel active and engaging.

Writer’s Bio

Hafsa Shahzad 

SEO Content Writer-Blogger


Hafsa has been working as a writer and blogger for over 3 years now. She's got a knack for writing engaging content that hits the sweet spot, especially in Digital Marketing, Big Tech Industry, and AI. When she's not glued to her writing desk, you might find her sketching beautiful portraits or preparing her favorite coffee in the kitchen.